Coral Bleaching and Sunscreen


Our magnificent coral reefs that we all love to snorkel around are in danger. Coral is a living organism that is being killed off by a number of factors. When the polyp organism in the coral dies the coral is said to have become “bleached” as only the mineral skeleton home of the polyp remains. A number of factors are causing this including global warming, changing ocean pH levels, and pollution.

Recent studies have shown that an active ingredient in most sunscreens called Oxybenzone causes deformities in coral larvae, making them unable to spread, and increases the rate of coral bleaching.

The Department of Land and Natural Resources is urging the public to pay close attention to the ingredients in their sunscreen. DLNR wants people to buy sunscreens that are Zinc or Titanium oxide based and to check the label on the bottle to make sure it does not contain Oxybenzone.

Please take a moment when you buy sunscreen to read the label or buy products that are marketed as “reef-safe” brands.

It is possible to avoid using sunscreen at all by using sun protective clothing; rash-guards, hats, coverups etc.

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